KAIFPA 회원 및 한인보험재정인 여러분,
Dear KAIFPA Members and Korean Insurance Financial Professionals,
최근 Long Term Care 와 관련하여, 여러 주(State) 정부에서 의무화 움직임이 있고, 개인들의 문의와 관심들이 크게 증가하고 있습니다.
In recent times, there has been a growing movement toward mandatory Long-Term Care requirements in various states, and there is a significant increase in inquiries and interest from individuals.
미주한인보험재정전문인협회(KAIFPA)에서는 이러한 변화되는 환경에 발맞춰, 회원사와 회원들을 위한 Special Class를 진행합니다.
In response to this evolving landscape, the Korean American Insurance and Financial Professional Association (KAIFPA) is pleased to announce a Special Class tailored to our member companies and professionals.
Long Term Care 관련 전문가 과정인 Certification for Long-Term Care ( CLTC®) 자격을 취득하고자 하는 분들을 위해 The CLTC Board of Standards와 함께 협의하여 KAIFPA 회원사, 회원 및 한인재정전문인들에게 Special Discount를 제공합니다.
We are partnering with The CLTC Board of Standards to offer a Special Discount to KAIFPA member companies, individual members, and Korean financial professionals who wish to pursue Certification for Long-Term Care (CLTC®), a program designed for Long-Term Care experts.
Here are the key details:
1. CLTC Course Schedule
- Dates: 11/08/2023 ~ 11/09/2023
- Time: 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Pacific Time) / 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (Eastern Time)
- Location: Zoom
2. Designation 취득 방법 (How to Obtain the Designation)
- Zoom으로 2일 동안의 수업을 듣고, 별도의 Exam을 통해 자격 취득
(Attend a 2-day course via Zoom and pass a separate exam to earn your CLTC® qualification.)
3. 참가방법 (Registration Process)
아래에 KAIFPA에서 제공하는 사전등록신청 링크에 들어가셔서 등록을 하시면, $300 Discount Code와 수업 신청 결재 Link를 보내드립니다. 결재가 끝나면 Zoom Link information을 받으시게 됩니다.
(To register, please click the pre-registration application link provided by KAIFPA below. Once registered, you will receive a $300 Discount Code and a link for course payment. After completing the payment, you will receive Zoom link information.)
Pre-registration Link (사전등록신청링크)